My husband, Mike just recently had surgery to remove some spots on his liver. The surgery was done at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL by one of the best surgeons around. The surgery went great. He removed all the spots successfully and he is now cancer free! Thank you, Jesus.
The Lord did so many amazing things while we were there. Mike's head nurse was a strong believer. She came into our room and I had some praise music playing. She stopped and said,"That is the most awesome music. I feel the peace of God in this room!" She was wonderful. The whole nursing staff on our floor was amazing. They went out of their way to help us. God's favor was everywhere.
Then one day, a friend of mine and I were in the lobby of the hospital when the receptionist came over to us.....we are both friends with her.....anyway, she had a man with her and she wanted him to meet us because his wife had just been diagnosed with cancer. Praise the Lord, I got to share my testimony with him. He was so excited he got his wife so I could share with her. It truly was a divine appointment. A treasure from God.
She shared with me some of her concerns. I shared with her about how important it is to listen to the healing word and to speak the healing word out of her mouth day in and day out. She was so receptive and had been doing some things already. It was so exciting. They are a beautiful couple.
I asked if I could pray for right there in the lobby we had a major prayer meeting. It was so wonderful. We could feel the power of God all over. Granted, we aren't moved by feelings, but this day we could feel Him.
We exchanged e-mail addresses. I just heard from them yesterday. She is going to be at Moffitt the same time we will be there for Mike's check up. We will visit some more. Thank you, Jesus!
We must always look for opportunities to share our history....HIS Story......I call them treasures. God will open the doors of opportunity if we will listen to His voice and follow his lead.
I had another wonderful encounter with a family that I met again at Moffitt. I had noticed this family in the waiting room of the breast center looking really sad. So, somehow I started a conversation with them. The husband told me his wife was having a procedure done. She had cancer. So, I got to share my healing testimony with them. We prayed and exchanged e-mails. The aunt kept in touch to let me know how everything was going.
Then one day she wrote and told me that Jen was having surgery would I please pray. Ended up I was going to be at Moffitt the same she was having surgery. So, thank the Lord, we were able to meet before her surgery. I had not met her until that day. It was so sweet. She is an amazing young mother who is believing God for her total healing. We prayed for her right there in the lobby which is how I got to be friends with the receptionist. She saw us praying and got so excited. We have been friends ever since.
Isn't God so sweet? God has done a mighty work in her life. She has been in some real battles, hard battles but she is fighting the good fight of faith.
I also had scans this trip to Moffitt. Everything was perfect. Thank you Jesus.
I want to share one more simple story with you about how God cares about even the small things in our life. Mike had been discharged to go home. We were sitting in the room waiting for the wheelchair. He could have walked but we decided that he could hold a few light things in his lap. He had so much stuff I couldn't carry everything. They don't have carts to help you tote all your stuff.
Well, I looked up and there at the nurses station was a volunteer with the wheelchair looking for our room. Behind her was another volunteer with a cart. Guess what? Not only was the wheelchair for us but the cart was too. I told the young girl thank you for bringing the cart. She told me that in all her years of being a volunteer she had never brought a cart to anybody's room nor had she ever seen anybody else use a cart!! Now that was the FAVOR of God! The favor of God goes before us to prepare our way!
I encourage you to start your day expecting God to use you in a mighty way. Look for your treasure. They are out there.....they need to hear your HISTORY! We have lives to touch for Jesus. There is no way we will impact our community if our eyes are on ourselves. God will meet your needs if you will meet the needs of others.
The devil wants you broke, busted, and disgusted. The Lord wants you to be strong in Him and the power of His might! When you get the focus off yourself and your problem God can work in you! He will make your crooked path straight!
Start shouting the victory! For the victory is yours!