Hope you had a glorious Christmas! It is a wonderful time to spend with our family and friends. Most of all it is a time to reflect on the love of Jesus and how blessed we are to have Him as our Savior! He wants to show us so much this coming New Year. He wants us to potition ourselves so we can hear his voice.
I encourage you to fast and pray in January. Jentzen Franklin has the best book on fasting and praying called Fasting. He teaches all about why you need to fast. After reading the first chapter you will wonder why on earth have I not fasted before now! Your flesh will scream at you the very first day you even begin to think about fasting. Then when really begin your fast your flesh will give you fits but don't give in....don't listen to your flesh or the devil.
I encourage you to fast and pray in January. Jentzen Franklin has the best book on fasting and praying called Fasting. He teaches all about why you need to fast. After reading the first chapter you will wonder why on earth have I not fasted before now! Your flesh will scream at you the very first day you even begin to think about fasting. Then when really begin your fast your flesh will give you fits but don't give in....don't listen to your flesh or the devil.
After the third day or so things will begin to change and your body will finally shut up so you can begin to hear the voice of God. He has so much to say and to show you! Get ready, get ready, get ready! It will be so exciting!
Make a decision this New Year to make your words and your thoughts line up with the Word of God! You want things to change in your life?......then you have to change the way you are thinking and what is coming out of your mouth. You are the one that sets the course for your life.....God has given you everything you need for victory in every area of your life but if you don't follow them it won't happen. So, stop doing things your way and start doing it God's way!! Watch and see what will happen!
Blessings to you! I am expecting great things for you. I am expecting you to bring your thougths captive and your words to be life and not death! Victory is yours!
Blessings to you! I am expecting great things for you. I am expecting you to bring your thougths captive and your words to be life and not death! Victory is yours!